Sunday, September 2, 2012

School, Jen, and hiking...

I haven't posted in a few days and I have a few good reasons, don't worry! School is among us and I am taking a full schedule. Blogging hasn't been the first thing on my priority list, unfortunately. Briefly, school is going great. I have interesting classes but I really have to apply myself this semester and put all of my free time into school. 

I have been feeling a little down lately (If you haven't noticed by my somewhat depressing posts!) The summer has really kicked my butt this year and I have found myself sitting in my apartment, watching The Real Housewives of New Jersey, going out to eat with Shelby, and cuddling with my dog. I love those things so I'm not complaining, but after 3 months of it... it gets old. I really just wanted a good friend to somehow come into my life, motivate me to do things, and let me be myself. I have made friends at work and stuff but I don't feel 100% connected to them and they don't really motivate me to be active and do fun things. 

So, my wish was granted! I was working a slow night at Calistro an a girl, named Jen, came into the restaurant by herself, sat at the bar, and talked to me for about an hour. She was super sweet and said she went to the same school as I do, is going for the exact same degree I am going for, lives minutes away from me, and was so open to being friends! We since started talking and went on our first hike together today. 

The hike: I knew I was out of shape, I've told you all about this... but I didn't realize HOW out of shape I was. I have hiked this trail before; last year around this time. I struggled and had to take breaks but I got through it and was fine. TODAY.... I almost threw up not even half way up the damn mountain, had to take numerous breaks, and contemplated giving up several times. I just kept apologizing to Jen and telling her I can't believe how terrible I am right now and I felt like a loser. Not once did she get frustrated with me, she simply told me to stand up, take a deep breath, and KEEP GOING! Without Jen there, I promise you, I would have NEVER made it, I would have given up 1/4 of the way up the mountain. 

Needless to say, I made it to the top with Jen's help. During our hike we did talk about our lives and friends and what we are looking for in a friendship. I am so happy I've met someone I already feel comfortable with and can do fun things with.... like hiking. I wanted to share my struggle because I want to continue to hike and be able to look back at this post and realize how far I've come! (Let's hope I improve!) Jen and I are already planning on rock climbing and day trip to Flagstaff, so be excited for those posts soon! 

xoxo Emma

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