Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Eve

Obviously I haven't blogged in months.. maybe I'll start again.

My life in 2012...

I completed a road trip across country from Boston to Arizona, lived with my mom and little sister (probably for the last time in my life), completed my 2nd year of college, moved out with Shelby to our own apartment, I turned 20, went to Vegas with my grandma, went to NY to visit family, made new friends, and learned a lot along the way. I have accomplished things I never thought I could and I have surprised myself in a lot of ways.

My life in 2013... my resolutions are pretty simple this year and they don't involve losing weight (because that's always on my mind) or to quit smoking (because I was smart enough to never start in the first place)

I want to push myself to accomplish things and learn not to settle. I want to continue to make new friendships and build on old ones. I want to travel more and see the world. I'd like to stop stressing out on things that are out of my control. I'd love to spend more quality time with my family because I have realized I tend to distance myself a lot. I'd like to take more time out for myself, whether it's hiking more or just going out with friends. I would like to try and say 'Yes' to situations, rather than immediately shutting situations (and people) out of my life. And lastly, I'd like to appreciate the little things in life. I guess I would like to simply enjoy life more.

To me, life is about moments. You remember the moment you graduated high school or the moment you moved out on your own. I want to have more monumental moments in my life and cherish them more than I have in the past.

I truly think 2013 is going to be the best year of my life and I embrase it with open arms.
AND I TURN 21 IN 2013! 

So lets raise a glass to the bright New Year! Cheers! 

And here's some photos of my year!

 Pictures are out of order and I don't care :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

School, Jen, and hiking...

I haven't posted in a few days and I have a few good reasons, don't worry! School is among us and I am taking a full schedule. Blogging hasn't been the first thing on my priority list, unfortunately. Briefly, school is going great. I have interesting classes but I really have to apply myself this semester and put all of my free time into school. 

I have been feeling a little down lately (If you haven't noticed by my somewhat depressing posts!) The summer has really kicked my butt this year and I have found myself sitting in my apartment, watching The Real Housewives of New Jersey, going out to eat with Shelby, and cuddling with my dog. I love those things so I'm not complaining, but after 3 months of it... it gets old. I really just wanted a good friend to somehow come into my life, motivate me to do things, and let me be myself. I have made friends at work and stuff but I don't feel 100% connected to them and they don't really motivate me to be active and do fun things. 

So, my wish was granted! I was working a slow night at Calistro an a girl, named Jen, came into the restaurant by herself, sat at the bar, and talked to me for about an hour. She was super sweet and said she went to the same school as I do, is going for the exact same degree I am going for, lives minutes away from me, and was so open to being friends! We since started talking and went on our first hike together today. 

The hike: I knew I was out of shape, I've told you all about this... but I didn't realize HOW out of shape I was. I have hiked this trail before; last year around this time. I struggled and had to take breaks but I got through it and was fine. TODAY.... I almost threw up not even half way up the damn mountain, had to take numerous breaks, and contemplated giving up several times. I just kept apologizing to Jen and telling her I can't believe how terrible I am right now and I felt like a loser. Not once did she get frustrated with me, she simply told me to stand up, take a deep breath, and KEEP GOING! Without Jen there, I promise you, I would have NEVER made it, I would have given up 1/4 of the way up the mountain. 

Needless to say, I made it to the top with Jen's help. During our hike we did talk about our lives and friends and what we are looking for in a friendship. I am so happy I've met someone I already feel comfortable with and can do fun things with.... like hiking. I wanted to share my struggle because I want to continue to hike and be able to look back at this post and realize how far I've come! (Let's hope I improve!) Jen and I are already planning on rock climbing and day trip to Flagstaff, so be excited for those posts soon! 

xoxo Emma

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Simply idiotic..

A picture is worth a thousand words... but I think this picture is worth one word, idiotic. Every time I see someone on a motorcycle with out a helmet, I cringe. I have studied up on traumatic brain injuries a lot and the leading cause of this, is motorcycle injuries. I guess I just don't understand how people can be so foolish to think that this is a good idea! I don't even like driving in a car with out a seatbelt, you choose to ride with no seatbelt, no outer protection, no bumpers, no windshield, and NO HELMET?! What are you thinking? Obviously you aren't. 

Many people seem to be really careless and foolish in life and it isn't until something happens when they realize how dangerous they have been. When someone you're close to gets in a bad car accident and wasn't wearing their seat belt, I'm sure you will think twice next time before you pass on belting in. The scenarios are endless.

Maybe I lead a 'boring' life, considering I don't drink and drive, I wear my seatbelt, I ride a bike with a helmet, and I look both ways when I cross the street. Hopefully, my body will thank me one day when I don't go flying out of the car windshield. At least you look SUPER cool riding that motorcycle with no helmet... oh wait, no you don't.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Remembering only the good moments

Lately, I have found myself reflecting on my life at night while I begin to fall asleep. I am in the 'almost asleep but not fully asleep' phase, so I feel like I am dreaming but I'm not fully there yet. I tend to think back to my life in Boston first, for odd some reason. I think of my job at Tavern in the Square and I can feel myself somehow feeling sad. Missing it. I think back to the Fall in Boston and how beautiful it was during that time of year. Every memory I seem to have of Boston during this time is a fond memory and it makes me really miss it. This is just one of many things I have been thinking about lately, it's not always about Boston. And then, I realized something odd. I never think of the bad things that went along with Boston; simply the good memories. 
Boston sure was pretty!

Sometimes, I wish I wrote down all of the bad things I disliked about my past experiences for this exact reason. This is a huge reason why couples break up and get back together down the road. When they reflect on the relationship they forget the bad times and only remember the good times. Is it our subconscious that suppress the imperfect moments and leave the perfect moments on the, much more accessible, surface? 

Don't get me wrong, I would MUCH rather remember the good times over anything else but there are periods where maybe, I just need reassurance that the bad times happened and that is why I am leading the life I do today.  I don't regret anything in my life and I truly believe that everything happens for a reason.

Life has twists, turns, and unexpected winds but I revel in my own willingness to guide myself toward life's more rewarding moments. 

I also feel like I have lived a mighty life in this, relatively, short amount of time. (So far!) I have lived in New York, Arizona, and Boston. I have found the love of my life, who I have spent an amazing 4 years with. I have made friends and enemies. And most of all, I have... lived. And although I have done all of these things, I can only be excited for my bright future ahead. So I plan on continuing to live life to the fullest and do what makes me happy. And in the end, I hope to look back on my long life and not have negative memories to surpress. Only positive memories that I reminisce in. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Just a number on a scale...

Well, another semester of school has started for me today and I am surprisingly excited about it. Full schedule of classes and work to top it off. I won't have as much free time as I did this summer (BUT I'M OK WITH THAT!)

Today, I would like to talk about something that I've been dealing with a lot lately; My weight. I found that I tend to eat more when I am bored, bored, or bored. Pretty much, I have had the most boring summer of my life and have gained a lot of weight because of it. I know there are a lot of people out there who struggle with this issue and I would just like to add my story, in the hopes that you can relate somehow. 

I personally would not say that I am 'overweight' but if you look online at my age, weight, and height... I am overweight. This got me thinking...

What if I started to eat better, go to the gym, and not weigh myself at all. Obviously, I can see myself in the mirror and see results (negative or positive) but when I'm not constantly comparing my daily number on a scale, I tend to feel a little bit better. It is the moment I see that stupid number on the scale, I find myself becoming upset or depressed that I have let myself get this heavy. So, I just won't look at the scale any longer. 

I also started reading 'Naturally Thin' by Bethenny Frankel. Let me tell you, this book is amazing. You can really relate to everything she is saying and it somehow makes you feel like you are not the only one in the world who feels that their weight is a never ending battle. I strongly encourage you to read this book!

It is so hard; however, not to get down on yourself when you feel like you aren't seeing any results. You turn on the TV, log on to Facebook, pick up a magazine, and all you see are beautiful people who seem to be 100% happy with their weight and body image. But  they aren't. No one is completely satisfied with themselves and if they say they are, they are probably lying. (Which is a sad! It is a cruel, judgmental world we live in!)

So, I challenge you. Don't weigh yourself. It is just a number on a scale. That number does not define you. We ALL have things about us that we would like to change, including myself. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Life and Death

A bit of a random post but I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I went to the DMV recently to get a new drivers licence and I had to fill out some standard paperwork. One paper was on donating your organs when you die. I used to be against it because I have heard that if you're an organ donor and you are dying in a hospital, doctors don't try as hard to save you because they can use your organs for other patients. I have since heard that was a myth. 

Then I started to think about when I do pass away and I do have an organ that could save a person/multiple people's lives, why would I be so selfish to not donate it? What would it matter to me anyways when I'm dead? 

This week I went to Las Vegas with my Nana and on the road trip there we started talking about being buried or being cremated when we pass. It's always a sad topic to think about but realistically we don't think about the loved ones who are left to take care of these difficult decisions, while mourning their loss. Maybe if we were more open with our expectations when we go, there would be less uncomfortableness when the topic comes up. 

Realistically, who wants to be asking these questions during someones last moments? Wouldn't you rather be cherishing every moment you have left? 

Just food for thought! 

xoxo Emma

Let the blogging begin...again!

I started blogging a little over a year ago when I made my decision to move to Boston. I since stopped blogging but a lot has happened in my life since. My sister Melanie and her boyfriend Justin, started blogging about their new lives in Florida and it has inspired me to start blogging again. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to be blogging about, but I'm sure whatever it is will be pretty interesting! 

I currently live in Scottsdale, Arizona with my boyfriend, Shelby and my dog Leroy Brown. We have our own 1 bedroom apartment now which is a huge change for us, a good change. 
Our Batman inspired dinning room
I start school again on Tuesday and I'm ready to go back (which I don't think I've ever said before about school.) I'm taking a full schedule with some difficult courses but I have had a boring summer so I'm ready to have stuff to do in my free time. 
Leroy catching some morning sun
Today is my day off of work so I'm going to do what I normally do; watch tv, eat ice cream, play fetch with Leroy, and clean the house. Hopefully my next post will be a bit more exciting! 

xoxo Emma